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Sacrilege & Society: A Sociological Analysis of Blasphemy
Blasphemy and laws criminalising it have existed for centuries. But fundamental questions about what actually constitutes blasphemy...
Rural India's Mental health: Full of Despair and Oblivion
This article is an attempt to bring out the real horrific picture of mental health conditions in rural parts of India.
The Intricacies of Social Media
Social media has become a necessary social evil without which we cannot thrive. Though social media has given us a plethora of...
Understanding Cryptocurrency
Starting a new currency is easy. Anyone can do it. The trick is getting people to accept it...
Guest article Image Credits - Hindustan Times SUMMARY While considering the quantum of punishment, the mind of the criminal and the...
The USA Must Not Forget That Oil Still Dictates the Order.
The Hegemony enjoyed by the USA has been facing a crisis for some time now, and while many consider China to be the main threat, what serves
Islamic Republic And The Current Turmoils In Iran
Revolutions are events. They are projects and processes, made and sustained by people insisting on living lives of dignity
Twitter: Too Big To Fail?
Things have gone from bad to worse for Twitter Inc since Elon Musk’s voguish $44 Billion takeover.
वर्ष 1827 की बात है, ब्रिटिश फौज में एक फौजी होता था जेम्स लुइस उर्फ चार्ल्स मेसन। जेम्स को पुराने सिक्के इक्ट्ठा करने का शौक था, इस सिलसिले
Post-Independence Political Developments in Assam and the Rise of Dr. Himanta Biswa Sharma
A charismatic leader not only wins a battle but sets the terms and defines the nature of the battle itself...
भारत और चीन: एक जहाज के आर-पार
आज 21वीं सदी में जब भारत एक वैश्विक शक्ति बनने के लिए ऐन-केन-प्रकारेण अग्रसर हो रहा है, तब हमें अपने पड़ोसी देश श्रीलंका में आकर तेल भरवाने
The Formation Of Linguistic States – Upholding Diversity Or Engendering Division?
At the stroke of the midnight hour, as India attained Independence from the British Raj, Swaraj or self-rule was the only silver lining...
India And The Theory Of Oriental Despotism
The theory of oriental despotism in ancient India was propounded and used by the British as one of the justifications for colonization and t
Medieval India: Did architecture really develop in the Sultanate time period?
Northwestern India, which became an important part of early Medieval India, was a land with clearly defined territorial divisions...
The Energy Debate: Technology and Society
Do we need to choose gigantic energy production with limited resources, or should we have small and soft energy pathways for environmental..
Is Demonetization Playing A ‘Silent Role’ In India’s Recent Inflationary Spiral?
Demonetisation is showing silently its true colours as an enemy in India’s declining economic growth and how Demonetisation and Inflation...
Textual Attitudes: A Tool for the Colonialists
Caliban, the “savage” slave of the “great, benevolent” magician Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, is an embodiment of the lens...
The Irony Of Depression
Image Courtesy: The Conversation It’s easy to accuse someone of not trying hard enough. To accuse them of not wanting to be happy. To...
The Dynamics of IPL Economy
Image Credits: ET Brand Equity The Indian Premier League is the biggest cricket league in the world. It is the brainchild of BCCI (Board...
Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia: Living in the Shadows
Courtesy: Daily Sabhah The Rohingya in Myanmar fled to various countries, having been denied citizenship and persecuted in their home...
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