ColumnsMaking the World FairRated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)The most cherished concept on creating a fair world that I had always admired is the concept of the Veil of Ignorance.
ColumnsPostmodernist Plane of Existence It is imperative to break archetypes and stereotypes no matter how much their existence makes our life easier in the postmodernist plane
ColumnsNarratives of Modern Day CapitalismMarx had talked about capitalistic society as consisting of various layers or structures. He talked about the base being the economic struct
ColumnsMagic of the Mundane: Marvellous Days of MalgudiDear Reader, I hope the summer has been kind to you. Let’s take a moment to reminisce about the jubilant spring bloom of last month Let this
ColumnsLetters to MilenaIn literature’s multifaceted existence across time and space, in worlds real and imaginary, none shines brighter than its epistolary counten
ColumnsThe Prism World“To the Suns that shine even when its Night Did you notice the Prism from which entered the white light? The Light is for everyone but...
ColumnsOscar Wilde's Happy Prince: Fairy tales for the 'real' worldDear Reader, Do you feel that the human condition is shrouded in eternal dullness? I do. If one is fortunate enough to be disentangled
ColumnsColumn: Heidi's recipe for HappinessDear Reader, Have you ever tried to weigh lost time? The world is becoming busier that ever. We have all the right technology for everyone